Tax Advisory

The attention that is brought about by tax today remains unprecedented. Tax has become so important and is at the forefront of business negotiations and debates including driving decisions on policy, trade, strategy and business transformation. At the same time, the global tax environment is ever changing given the dramatic global changes occasioned by geopolitical shifts, technological advancement, globalization, emergence of unprecedented business models etc. In addition, most, if not all, commercial transactions have a tax implication.

As a result, businesses have had to adapt and develop tax policies and departments that guide and advice on the tax implications of all decisions being made by the business. Nevertheless, the formation of tax policies and departments largely remains a preserve of the big Multi-National Corporations (MNCs). For other businesses, there is need to retain the services of a tax practitioner in order to remain up to date with the constant tax changes as well as ensuring you pro-actively seek tax advice for example, before embarking on new business relationships or even new business structures and strategies.

As your tax advisor, we are essentially at your disposal for you to reach out to us through a call or email for tax advice across the various tax heads including, corporation tax, withholding tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), employment taxes, transfer pricing, international tax, excise duty, customs duty etc.